St. Maximilian Kolbe Novena for Alcoholics and Addicts

In a previous post I wrote about the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe .

Last year I had written a novena for his intercession for alcoholics and addicts. I neglected to do it this year, but there is no reason for anyone to not start it now. You can say novenas for a saint’s intercessory powers at any time of the year. Traditionally novenas (nine days of prayer, taken from the nine days of prayer by Mary and the Apostles and others in the upper room in Jerusalem between Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit) are started before a feast day or holy day, and conclude on the day of the feast. Some conclude the day before, but I’ve never gotten consistent answers as to why. Novenas are prayed this way so that your prayers are gathered together with the prayers of all the other people throughout the world who are also saying a novena to the same saint. This signifies the “community” aspect of being a Christian. We are not believers isolated from each other, we form a great community, regardless of distance.

Anyway, since a novena can be said at anytime of the year, and as I blew it this time regarding the start of St. Max’s novena for alcoholics, I am posting links to last year’s novena in case anyone wasn’t around this blog back then and would wish to say the novena today through the next nine days or at any other time. Here they are:

Novena Day 1

Novena Day 2

Novena Day 3

Novena Day 4

Novena Day 5

Novena Day 6

Novena Day 7

Novena Day 8

Novena Day 9

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

3 thoughts on “St. Maximilian Kolbe Novena for Alcoholics and Addicts

  1. I am new to this site, new (for the 3rd time) to sobriety (Aug 11) and a 2001 convert to the Traditional Catholic faith. I’m glad I found this, but i did not know anyone could write a novena set of prayers

  2. Hi Anonymous. Of course anyone could write a novena of set prayers! Where else do they come from but the hearts and minds of the faithful? Welcome to the blog and I hope you find it useful. You might also find it’s social network helpful, too. Join up at !

  3. Walked out of an AA meeting when the leader said, “Ace will be speaking at ______ next week. If you are Catholic be prepared to be insulted.” What if he said, __ will be speaking next week at ___. If you are black be prepared to be insulted. I walked out an slammed the door. I was insulted. I know all about free speech but enuf is enuf. AA is good but it is so full of “I’m my own God” types – I don’t shove my Catholicism down their throats and I dont’ want to hear their judgments and cynicism.

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