Church in schism? Remember to not leave Jesus because of Judas!

I ran across some news items today regarding Archbishop Vigano, the former papal nuncio to the US, being charged with schism. I have not mentioned him before on this blog as he’s a little outside its scope, nor will I go into the details about ‘“the why’s” of the charges. For that, you can start with this article from CNA: Former U.S. nuncio Viganò to undergo Church trial for schism, rejecting Pope Francis  | Catholic News Agency.

It is unfortunate, but Vigano seems to have adopted these charges as a badge of honor: Attend a falsis prophetis – EXSURGE DOMINE Ets Foundation (In Italian, but most browsers have a translate function.)

All of this reminds me of a few posts I had written a few years ago about the possibilities of such things ocurring. We will be facing difficult times ahead; perhaps even beginning this year with possible election violence in the US. But concerning the church, there is the still lasting effects of the clerical sex abuse scandal. I am already facing “difficult times” right now that are the result of that scandal. See my Miraculous 54 Day Rosary Novena to save my parish from closure post.

Whether it is declining vocations, sex scandals, or confusion and division in the leadership causing all sorts of problems, we must remember to not leave Jesus because of Judas. (Please read that post! Thank you!)


Leaving the Catholic Church is the easy way out. However, if you do that, it is clear you do not realize what you are leaving. Or possibly, you do know, but lack appreciation for the implications of leaving? The Catholic Church is not one denomination amongst tens of thousands. It is the Church that Jesus Christ Himself established. It has the leadership He instituted (Pope, Bishops, priests.) It has the sacraments He instituted. You do not find them anywhere else. (The Eastern Orthodox posess them, but they are schismatic. You can attend their Divine Liturgies and receive their sacraments when no Catholic church is available, but to formally join them is to put yourself in schism. Schism incurs an excommunication, thus placing your  immortal soul in peril.)

Schism isn’t worth whatver is troubling you to ponder committing it. You’ll be taking the wrong side in the Spiritual Warfare (please read that post, too!) that is happening. This may sound weird, but in remaining within the Church, no matter how strong the desire is to leave it, you will receive tremendous graces if the pain and struggle are offered up. Doubly so if you offer the sufferings up for the conversion of  those committing the deeds you want to leave over! 

So please, don’t take the road of schism, it may seem the right thing to do, but often the Devil presents things wrapped in pretty packages that seem all right and propoer. But they conceal the damantion that could result.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

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