My fiction debut

Sometime later this evening (Monday July 29th) I should upload the first “episode” of my Kindle Vella serial, “Ghosts of the Apocalypse” unless I have a panic attack. The title is subject to change, the current one is the third or fourth version. The first version was “A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Spaceport,” which I changed to “The Trains Were Still Running the Day the World Ended,” because nothing funny actually happened to my protagonist on the way to the spaceport. I changed it to “The Trains…” because it’s evocative of a mood, but decided on “Ghosts of the Apocalypse” because that’s more encompassing of the plot and trains don’t factor in as much as I thought. It was called very briefly ‘The Odd Thing That Happened to Me on the Way to the Spaceport,” but it didn’t last because it’s just dumb. 

Kindle Vella is an initiative of Amazon that began about two years ago. It features episodic, serial fiction. Writers can upload stories with a minimum of  500 words (or is it 600?, I don’t care ‘cos I won’t be having episodes that brief) and a maximum of 5,000 per episode. The number of episodes is up to the writer. Mine may be 15-20 episodes of an average of 3,000 words each. 

Why am I boring you to tears with these details? Because I’m freaking out and this comforts me. This is an historic moment for me on a personal level. This will be my first piece of published fiction, ever. I  have always has aspirations of writing. I wrote and submitted terrible short stories to all the major science-fiction magazines way back in the 1980s. They were mercifully rejected. One never even merited a rejection letter. I guess they thought it was so bad that they weren’t going to waste postage on telling me so.  In 1991 I moved to Southern California to hopefully become a writer for television. I even submitted a script for “Star Trek: the Next Generation,” but it was rejected. I piddled with a few more but but never submitted them and then alcohol happened and I gave up writing for almost a decade. (The stereotype of writers is that they drink a lot. When I wrote, I didn’t drink. When I began drinking, I gave up writing. When I gave up drinking, I returned to writing. I sometimes do things backwards, I guess.)

I never entertained thoughts that my writing would be a Catholic spirituality blog along with devotional booklets. No, I was going to be a beloved writer of soft sci-fi novels and stories, and maybe a bunch of Star Trek episodes, to boot! But, no. Not that I am resentful. I never gave up the dream and have been working on miscellaneous pieces for the past 10+ years. 

Until a couple of weeks ago when my wife found out about the Kindle Vellys

It’s a writing contest. Unlike most contests where a group of judges read and analyze contest entries and select a winner, the Vellys are a popularity contest. The top 25 most popular stories based on subscription rates and other reader engagement metrics become finalists and then the judges read those. First place is $25,000. I think second place is $10,000 and there’s a bunch of $1,000 also-rans. 

I doubt I’ll get anywhere near the top 25 (which is why I’m fuzzy on the not-first-place prize monies) never having written a Vella story before; I am assuming the more experienced writers who have a following already have the advantage. 

But it isn’t gonna hurt for me to try. If I enjoy the experience, as well as the engagement (a key strategy in raising the visibility of your story is the writer engaging with their readers through the comment section. Readers can reply to the story, and writers respond) then I may continue with additional stories (I have many in various states of incompletion that may make for decent serials.) 

How is money earned? The writer gets paid royalties from the readers purchasing of tokens to unlock the episodes (the first 10 episodes are free, starting with the 11th, you gotta pay to read the rest of it.) I have not heard of anyone getting rich off of writing Vella stories. But, thirty days after the story is marked “completed,” I can package it up as a book and upload it to Amazon KDP ebook and paperback. But, if this is viable, it may prove to have decent revenue. Especially since I can “double dip” from Vella royalties and royalties on the book versions (which, I think, can be edited versions of the Vella. This story may approach novel-length, but it will juuuuuuuuuussssssssssst make the 40,000 word count that makes a story a novel. So, I may revise the serialized version after the contest is over. 

I would love to get your support. After I upload each episode, I will announce it here, and across my social media accounts. If you woud be so kind as to read each episode and make nice comments to boost the engagement metrics, I would love you all until the Second Coming and then some. The first ten episodes are free, and then you’ll have to buy tokens to get the rest, but  they’re not that expensive.  See:

So, if my story is 20 episodes, all you need to pay is $0.99 to unlock the episodes after the 10th. If it lasts longer than 20, it’ll cost you another $0.99 to get 10 more (I seriously doubt my story will be much longer than 20ish eps. So, you may have to spend $1.98 on me. I’m worth a buck ninety-eight? Right? Yes? Sniff. I think the writer’s royalties are 50% of the tokens purchased to unlock their episodes. (I’m focusing on the $25,000 prize money for First Place. The ordinary details I’ll figure out later.)

Anyway, it’s almost 2AM where I live and I must wrap this post up and go to bed. Or watch TV for a bit. But I’m done with the computer for now. Tomorrow, I’l reread a few times the first episode, make any needed changes and upload it. Check back here later tomorrow, or if you follow me or Sober Catholic on social media. If you scroll down these Pages: About me and About this blog, all my social media account are listed where I post blog updates and the Vella announcements.

Thanks, I really would appreciate the support.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)