The Fifteen Thursdays of St. Rita devotion begins!

REBLOGGING AN EARLIER POST: I’m sharing this here because St. Rita’s Feast day is my sobriety date (May 22, 2002) and I think she picked me to be one of her clients. I’ve been doing this devotion for the past few years.


Quote: “The Fifteen Thursdays of St. Rita devotion — i Quindici Giovedi di Santa Rita, in Italy — takes place on the fifteen Thursdays preceeding May 22, her feast day — i.e., this devotion starts on a Thursday in February and continues on for fifteen Thursdays — until the last Thursday before May 22. Each of these fifteen days begins with the same preparatory prayer followed by a reading on the life of St. Rita, a reflection about the lesson of that aspect of her life, and a final prayer.”

Link to all the prayers including a downloadable pdf file: 15 Thursdays of St. Rita Devotio: Prayers and a downloadable pdf

I may have erred in saying it begins tomorrow; the quote says “for fifteen Thursdays — until the last Thursday before May 22”. Starting tomorrow will make it end ON her feast day of May 22nd, which occurs on a Thursday this year. So, it should have started last Thursday. I don’t believe the mistake is all that bad, I doubt St. Rita will ignore your prayer requeats. I’ll just have to remember this for the next time her feast falls on Thursday.

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