If you are a Catholic blogger, the Awestruck Catholic Social Network offers some interesting tools. I mentioned ACSN before: Awestruck Network USA Tour 2014 Regarding these blogging tools, to quote from their site:
“We created Awestruck to serve the Catholic blogosphere as best we can. A useful feature is the creative freedom we offer catholic bloggers through our network, namely, full access to our blogging platform. Our Bloggers Dashboard allows users to run a WordPress blog directly on Awestruck.
For those communicators who use various platforms to produce content e.g. Pinterest Boards / Tumblr or Facebook Pages, WordPress or Blogger sites, Awestruck can be a powerful tool to aggregate their content. Activity on third party networks, upon request, can be automatically syndicated to an Awestruck user profile. Bloggers, tell us what your URL is and if you’re in sync with the Church we’ll sync your feed. Links to all aggregated content point directly to the source. With linked sites we display only a snippet of the source content, together with a thumbnail, in order to showcase the original site. In fact, Awestruck actively seeks out the best publicly syndicated feeds and aggregates them in an effort to promote the Catholic blogosphere and help consolidate its members (who are very often isolated and disconnected).
And for others who can benefit from Awestruck’s network: “No longer a single site, Awestruck consists of various sites networked together through a customizable social stream. One login gives you access to all sites on the network. Think of a site as a lens through which you choose to view the network. Choose one lens or flip between as many as you please. Each lens (site) has a unique menu, highlights specific groups and aggregates related feeds. Sites distinguish themselves regionally or thematically and new sites will be added to serve new interests and communities.
If you’re getting your news and opinions of the Church from predominantly secular sources the odds are that you are not following the international Catholic blogosphere – communicators who make it their mission through their blogs to provide a Catholic perspective on anything from politics to sport to beer to craft.”
Beer? Catholics blog about beer? What I can tell ya about beer… oh, nevermind 😉 So, if you’re a Catholic blogger, or want to be one, or you just love the entire holy lot of us, Awestruck can help you sort it all out!
Note: Both Sober Catholic and its sister blog, The Four Last Things, are aggregated on Awestruck and are a part of the “Scribes” site. I do not use their Blogger Dashboard as I prefer to self-host. Getting my stuff aggregated involves a simple message to Norm (the dude who heads the network) with your blog’s URL. I also included the URL for my blogs’ RSS feed, although he didn’t ask for it.
Check it out!
I have a new book!
"The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on
"Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and
and others!"!
My two other books are still available!
"The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)
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