St. Odilia, patroness of the blind and those with eye problems

Not too long ago I chanced upon a prayer card for St. Odilia, and this card indicated that she is a patron saint for those with eye problems and diseases. Since I had cataract surgery two years ago and am still troubled by floaters, flashes and require the need for frequent periodic visits to my retina specialist (who’s worried about me,) I added the prayer on this card to my daily routine.

Odilia Aquisition.

This is it:

Prayer to Saint Odilia 

O God, Who in Your Kindness

Did give us St. Odilia

Virgin and Martyr, as the

Protectress of the Order

Of the Holy Cross and

The Patroness of the eyes

And afflicted, grant us

We humbly beseech You

To be protected, through her

Intercession, from the darkness

Of ignorance and sin and to

Be cured from the blindness

of the eyes and other bodily


Through Him,

Who is the Light and Life

Of the World, Jesus Christ,

Your Son, Our Lord


And then, not too long after that, I chanced upon a novena booklet to her. The novena is said twice monthly on the 5th and 17th, with the national annual one on July 10th, ending the feast day of July 18 (see note at the end of this post). You can find it online here: Novena to St. Odilia

About St. Odilia :

Patron saint of the blind, Saint Odilia of Alsace was born blind at Oberheim in the Vosges Mountains around the year 660 to a noble family. She was given to a peasant family to raise due to her disability. She regained sight when touched by St. Erhard of Regensburg during her baptism at age 12. Note by Paulcoholic: St. Erhard’s Feast day is today, January 8.)

Her brother wanted her back to place in a strategic marriage. Angered by this, her father killed the brother who was miraculously brought back to life by Odilia. Her father pursued her, but abandoned his quest when she disappeared in a cave that opened suddenly in the mountains.

Odilia founded Hohenburg Abbey. She died of natural causes on Dec. 13, 720 at Niedermunster, Mount Sainte Odile and was buried near the Odilienberg convent church chapel. She often is depicted as an abbess praying at an alter or as a woman with two books for eyes.

The article on her on Wikipedia mentioned:

As the patroness of ocular afflictions and ear diseases, St. Odile is often depicted with a pair of eyes on a book…

I had originally read that as saying she “is ofen depicted with a pair of books on her eyes,” which made her cooler beyond belief for me! 

NOTE ON HER FEAST DAY: I found that she has two feasts, one on December 13th, which is usually celebrated as the feast of St. Lucy, the saint primarily regarded as being the patron saint of those with eye problems; and the other, noted above, on July 18. I asked the AI search thingy on my browser “Why is that?” and it replied:

St. Odilia is traditionally celebrated on December 13th because this is the date of her death, but some regions or liturgical calendars may also commemorate her on July 18th, which is often linked to the transfer of her relics or a local tradition of celebrating her feast day on that date; essentially, the discrepancy arises from different historical events associated with her veneration. 

Key points about St. Odilia’s feast days:

December 13th:

This is the most widely recognized feast day for St. Odilia as it marks the anniversary of her death. 

July 18th:

Some regions, particularly in areas where her relics are venerated, may celebrate her feast day on this date due to the transfer of her relics or local tradition. 

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

“The Sober Catholic Way” is available!

I have a new book out: The Sober Catholic Way is a basic handbook on how anyone can live a sober life and helps Catholics by describing the many ways in which their faith can assist in maintaining sobriety. Drawn from nearly two decades of blogging at SoberCatholic, “The Sober Catholic Way” shows the importance of the sacraments, the Bible, the Catechism and other books. It continues on with the various ways one can “live” out Catholicism by nurturing devotions to the Sacred Heart, Blessed Virgin Mary, and other saints. All of these contribute to sobriety as well as one’s spiritual progression! 

Discover the importance of the Real Presence, the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, St. Joseph, St. Therese (the “Little Flower”) and Matt Talbot. You’ll get ideas on how to apply the Beatitudes, the Divine Mercy Message, as well as learning about the Apparitions of Our Lady at Guadalupe, Lourdes and Fatima and how they can guide one’s life.00000 TSCWBookCover.jpg.It is currently available through Amazon on Amazon Kindle, as well as a paperback: click here to buy as a paperback. It is also available as a paperback through Barnes and Noble: Order The Sober Catholic Way as a B&N paperback! as well as an ebook for your Nook! It is also now available at numerous other ebook retailers like Apple Books and Smashwords.


I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

St. Jude Thaddeus, Apostle and patron saint of alcoholics and addicts

Today (Oct. 28) is the feast day of St. Jude Thaddeus (it’s also shared with St. Simon the Zealot, but St. Jude is the subject of this post.)

St. Jude was one of the Apostles of Our Lord and is the author of the Epistle of Jude in the New Testament. He is often called the “brother of Our Lord,” but this is an extended meaning of the term “brother,” in reality Jude was the cousin of Jesus as Semitic languages lack the word for “cousin.” He is often depicted with having a flame about his head; this symbolizes his presence at the first Pentecost and also distinguishes him from Judas Iscariot, the traitor of Jesus, who is quite likely covered in flames of a different sort. St. Jude is also often depicted with a plate or shield with Jesus’ image on it; legend has that he carried this with him and it healed people.

He was martyred by beheading circa 65AD.

I’ve never had all that much of a devotion to St. Jude, mainly because there is so much pop Catholic cultural “stuff” about him. Prayer cards and booklets and so on readily available in parishes, items in the classified sections of newspapers in response to favors granted (and that you are guaranteed a favorable response to your St. Jude novena if you promise to publish the novena for nine consecutive days. This is borderline superstitious as prayer doesn’t really work that way.) All this served to be a little “off-putting” for me, and despite having tons of these prayer cards stashed in a wooden box where I keep excess pious items, I never gave him much thought. 

Until yesterday and today. I have been trying to recruit more saints and blesseds to intercede for us alcoholics. For that reason, as well as that I am compiling a prayer book for sober Catholics and I want it to exceed expectations by having numerous saints in there that people do not know about (or who are not typically associated with ex-drunks; St. Dismas is one. ) While I was pondering him yesterday, St. Rita of Cascia also came to mind as she’s important to me (there is a point to this, please bear with me.) She is known as the patronness of impossible cases, just like St. Jude. (Maybe that’s another reason why I never developed much of a devotion to him?) But yesterday I got to thinking about St. Jude, and decided that another saint dedicated to helping hopeless cases could work. He and St. Rita could team up. Based on where I’m at right now (more on that later) I decided to think about cultivating a relationship with him. And I let that slide until today. 

And so I looked through that wooden box where I’ve kept all those “excess pious items” and found a bunch of prayer cards. I read them over and they hit me. Yes, I need his help. AND I can begin blogging about him now and then and perhaps those of you who do not have a devotion to him can see the value in it. 

And so I just recruited St. Jude to be an advocate and patron saint of alcoholics and addicts. The thought occurred to me that what with all the devotions surrounding him regarding being the patron saint of hopeless and desperate cases, he’d be a perfect intercessor for us. Now we alcoholics and addicts have TWO Apostles in our corner, the other being St. Matthias.

I mentioned a few paragraphs above about “where I’m at.” Due to a variety of circumstances, things are a bit stressed financially at the moment, although they should improve come Springtime when Social Security begins for me and my wife and I begin the process of relocating to a more affordable residence. If you’d like to help out by assisting in bridging the gap between now and then, you can do that in two ways:

One, by paypalling me whatever you can spare at: PayPal Paul Sofranko. Thank you! (It is NOT tax-deductible. It wouldn’t be an act of charity, then.) You can also mail a check, payable to: Paul Sofranko; and send it to: P.O. Box 358; North Boston, NY 14110.

Two: by purchasing my books and online products. You can purchase for yourself or multiple copies for others that might be interested. My new book, “The Sober Catholic Way” comes as an ebook for Amazon Kindle, or as a paperback from Amazon. If you prefer Barnes and Noble, then here is the link for a paperback; and if you have a B&N Nook, here is the Nook purchase link. 

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It is also now available at numerous other ebook retailers like Apple Books and Smashwords. You might also try this Universal Book Link: click and then select the logo of your fave online bookshop.

Click on this page to discover where you can buy The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts. 

UntitledImage 7.

It’s available through Amazon, B&N and Apple, as well as Smashwords and other retailers. 

The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics is also available; that page tells you all the places you can buy it!

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Are you creative-minded? Know people who are? Then Building a Civilization of Love: A Call to Creative Catholics is my new book exhorting Catholics to apply their faith to change the culture for the better!


“Building a Civilization of Love: A Call to Creative Catholics” is a call to arms, or rather, a call to pens, paintbrushes, and video cameras, for creative Catholics to take up St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe’s call to infiltrate pop culture and help alleviate the ills that pervade contemporary society. St. Maximilian saw back in the 1920s how the use of cinema, radio, and mass-market books was corrupting society. He thought that those same tools could be used as a countercultural force to overcome this corruption. 

Furthermore, it explains through the example of three critical apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima how she herself suggested strategies and alternatives to the dehumanizing and increasingly pagan contemporary culture we have today.

“Building a Civilization of Love: A Call to Creative Catholics” concludes by showing how the Catholic Faith can be used to provide a road map out of our current morass and a blueprint to build a more just and fair society constructed according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and other elements of traditional Catholic Social Teachings.

Get it for your Amazon Kindle through this link!

Prefer the paperback? Get it through this link!

Are you a happy Sober Catholic? Then Shop Sober Catholic! That page offers a selction from the many other products, such as T-shirts, mugs, rosary cases and zippered book cases, stickers for your laptop, smartphone cases, and much more! You can see the entire product line at The Sober Catholic Pixels Shop!

I just added some new products, including some featureing St. Jude and a prayer I wrote for alcoholcs and addicts! (It may not be available, yet, so please check back later. Actually, I will probably blog about it when it hits the general public.)

Thank you for reading this far, as well as for whatever assistance you can provide. It is greatly appreciated and I will add you to my prayers.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

“How To Break EVERY Addiction: The Catholic Way” (EDITED)

I chanced upon a YouTube video (YT suggested it) and was immediately intrigued by the title. “How To Break EVERY Addiction: The Catholic Way.” I do not recall seeing this YouTuber before.

In summary, Riecker suggests that one recite the Seven Sorrows Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows. Why? Because Our Lady made several promises to those who do so faithfully. One key promise is: “By the recitation of the Seven Sorrows Rosary, you shall be freed from obsessions and addiction.”

Riecker provided a link to where he found these promises: 16 Powerful Graces Our Lady Promises To Those Who Honor Her 7 Sorrows.

I must, however, remind you that this is not a thing you can assume will happen just because you do it. As with every promise, such as the promises of the Sacred Heart for those who do the Nine First Fridays, or the promises given to those who say the rosary daily; the mere act is not in itself a guarantee it will work. You must have the faith in the power of the prayer and apply the devotion to your life (like make it into a spiritual relationship with the object of the devotion) so that it transforms it. I think many people just do the requirements of the devotion and feel “that’s it.” You must do it in such a way that your faith in it plus your desire to grow closer to the object (in this case, Our Lady of Sorrows) helps accomplish the deired result; in this case, freedom from addictions. I may have to watch the video again, but I do not recall Riecker saying anything like that. 

The video is below. I highly recommend the video, even though he deleted my comment on it (probably because I linked to Sober Catholic and The Sober Catholic Way).

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Devotion to St. Dismas

A little while ago I wrote about St. Dismas, the “Good Thief.”  This is another post on him, as part of my promise to him to help spread his devotion. 

So I took a look around the Internet and found this bit of history of him, along with a “Good Thief Prayer.”

There is even more information on St. Dismas over at Pray More Novenas: Novena to St. Dismas

While looking up stuff, I found that I had written about him way back in the early days of this blog. Take a look at “Remember Me…”

As I find more stuff on the Good Thief, I’ll post more; if he interests you, bookmark the St. Dismas Post Archives.

Why should I write about him? Like I said in the post linked to in the first sentence:

I think St. Dismas would be a great saint for us alcoholics and addicts to know. He left behind no writings and nothing for certain is known about him apart from the Gospel accounts. But, he was a ‘last minute,’ ‘deathbed’ conversion. And he led a life of sin, some say he was a robber, others a revolutionary. These do not contradict each other; revolutionaries often commit crimes to serve the rebel cause. But the point I am trying to make is that at the very end, when he was facing eternity, he grasped salvation from the lips of the Saviour. There is hope for everyone. Maybe pray to St. Dismas for the conversion of another whom you feel may have too ‘hard a heart’ to convert? Many prisoners in jail are alcoholics and addicts. Conversion is difficult in that environment; perhaps St. Dismas can do what others cannot. 

His feast day is March 25, the traditional date for the Crucifixion. 

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle

Today is the feast of St. Matthias, the Apostle who was selectef to replace Judas after the traitor committed suicide. 

I discovered about six years ago that he is a patron of alcoholics and reformed alcoholics. I suppose the difference is the former are still in the cups while the latter are in recovery.

This is what I wrote in 2018:

Today is the feast of St. Matthias, a disciple of Jesus who was selected to replace Judas Iscariot.

I read today in my Laudate app on my Kindle Fire that he is a patron of alcoholics. Wow, we have an apostle who is our patron?! I had to look that up!

Although St. Matthias left behind no existing writings, (all works attributed to him are regarded as having been written by heretics who borrowed his name to lend authenticity to their errors,) several of his teachings while he preached in Ethiopia and elsewhere have been quoted by several Church Fathers, especially Clement of Alexandria. They refer to the need to “combat the flesh” which is subject to many temptations and errors. The flesh must be mortified so that we can enjoy the workings of the Holy Spirit.

The one problem that I have with any of this is that the sources all cite works that are possibly either apocryphal or outright heretical. Even Clement of Alexandria is suspect, having been on the Roman calendar until being removed from it 500 years ago due to suspicions.

Anyway, there isn’t anything wrong with mortification, especially if care is done to avoid excesses. The emphasis on the flesh in teachings attributed to St. Matthias appear to be influenced by Gnosticism, which held that flesh and matter were evil. Setting that aside, many online Catholic resources of solid orthodoxy accept his patronage of alcoholics (someone’s gotta look after us 😉 ) and thus I think “It can’t hurt.” 🙂

And so we alcoholics and addicts have an Apostle to call our very own.

This is a quote attributed to him:

It behooves us to combat the flesh, and make use of it, without pampering it by unlawful gratifications. As to the soul, we must develop her power by faith and knowledge.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Sign of the Cross Apostolate

 I have been delving deeper into EWTN’s programming since I posted the other day about Mother Angelica is as helpful and inspiring today as she was decades ago. I have also begun exploring their programming on Lourdes (an obvious devotion for anyone who is an alcoholic and addict or is otherwise afflicted with physical and emotional maladies.) I found this series from a few short years ago: My Lourdes Faith Journey. It is like a companion to this book: Everyday Miracles Of Lourdes – Twenty Extraordinary Experiences Along The Way To The Grotto

Both are products of the work of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers. Many of the chapters of the book serve as episodes of the “My Lourdes Faith Journey” program. One in particular stood out for me. At the end of Episode 5- Jamie Jensen, Mr Jensen (a quadriplegic who’s been to Lourdes well over a dozen times and serves on the Board of Advisors to the Hospitality NA Volunteers group) casually mentioned about a “Sign of the Cross Apostolate.” I couldn’t find any website, not even a page on the Volunteers Hospitality  site, but that might be because it’s very simple and probably spreads by word of mouth by those who participate in the Volunteers Hospitality pilgimages. 

Here’s some background: Our Lady of Lourdes North American Volunteers is an apostolate dedicated to arranging pilgrimages to Lourdes for North Americans who need to immerse themselves in the baths, visit the grotto, and obtain a physical, mental or spiritual healing. They are based in Syracuse, NY (not too far from my hometown of Oneida!) The book, “Everyday Miracles of Lourdes” details 21 stories of healing and conversion. The EWTN series “My Lourdes Faith Journey,” like I said above, is about many of those stories. Marlene Watkins, the host of the show and author of the book, interviews the pilgrims. It’s quite a wonderful, uplifting experience. 

Now, about the Sign of the Cross Apostolate. Mr. Jensen refers to it near the end of the episode he’s featured on. Since he is a quadriplegic, he cannot physically make the Sign of the Cross. People have to do it for him. He said in the book’s chapter on him as well as on the show, that if he could  move his arms only once, it would be to make the Sign of the Cross. 

The Sign of the Cross is an important part of the Lourdes devotion because St. Bernadette said that it is the path to Heaven when done with devotion and piety. The Sign of the Cross is also important when you consider the words:

“In the Name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen””

Whenever you pray ‘In the name of,’ such as praying in the Name of Jesus (“In Jesus’ Name!”) and so forth, you are submitted to the authority contained in that name. In essence, when  making the Sign of the Cross, you are inviting the Will of God into your life and and are subjecting your prayers to His authority. You may get the things you prayed for or you may not. It’s all up to whether it’s a part of God’s Will for you. So, when you make the Sign of the Cross, you are inviting the Trinity. (I think you are also inviting the Blessed Mother in since being the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, she is an integral part of the Trinity. St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote extensively on her ‘Quasi-Trinitarian participation in a quasi-hypostatic union’ – or something like that – with the Trinity since she is the Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.) 

Many people cannot make the Sign of the Cross because of their physical disability. Many people cannot do it in certain countries because it’ll mean imprisonment or death. This kind of shamed me (not a bad thing; the world can use a greater awareness of ‘shame’) since I am a rather casual Sign of the Cross maker. 

THAT is the Sign of the Cross Apostolate. Making the Sign of the Cross for those who cannot. That’s it. No special prayers or writings or devotions. Just make the Sign of the Cross for those who cannot. 

So, every time I make the Sign of the Cross, whether in private or in public (a courageous act!) I will do it with this in mind. Not only for my salvation, as per St. Bernadette’s conviction, but for all of those who cannot do it for whatever reason. 

You should too! Spread the word about this!

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Knights of Columbus founder is another healing saint for alcoholics

In an earlier post today, I mentioned that I was binging on Mother Angelica episodes on EWTN. I had to go to their YouTube Channel for something and while scrolling through their offerings, I found this gem:

It’s a story about how someone was miraculously healed from alcoholism through the intercession of the founder of the Knights of Columbus. The man’s aunt (if I recall correctly) had fervently prayed to Blessed Michael McGivney. It helps that the aunt and the beneficiary are relatives of McGivney (he’s a great uncle or somesuch connection) so it’s a family affair! 

It pays to have relations in high places. Anyway, you can add Bl. Michael McGivney to the list of possible intercessors for your (or a loved one’s) alcoholism.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Rhoda Wise Novena

Anyone who is familiar with the life of Mother Angelica, the foundress of EWTN, has heard of Rhoda Wise. She was a stigmatist and victim soul and had visions of Jesus Christ and St. Therese of Lisieux. She experienced miraculous cures which inspired many as well as introducing Mother Angelica (before she became a nun) to the intercessory power of St. Therese. Mother Angelica experienced a miraculous cure as a result of a novena she prayed to St. Therese at the instigation of Rhoda Wise.

Here is Rhoda’s story: The Story of Rhoda Wise.

I was chatting with a Militia of the Immaculata friend on WhatsApp about EWTN and I went to look up the Rhoda Wise Shrine website. While there, I discovered a Novena for Rhoda Wise’s Beatification. I am sharing it here because it is very useful to and relevant to alcoholics and addicts. You’ll see when you look over the daily intentions. 

Novena for the Beatification of the Servant of God Rhoda Wise

Day 1 – Today let us pray for all who suffer from chronic and life-threatening illness, that they may be consoled by the healing presence of Our Lord. We also pray for their families, friends, and care-givers, that they, too, may be comforted and strengthened by His divine love as they help their loved ones carry the cross of illness.

Day 2 – Today let us pray for those suffering from addictions, and in a special way, their loved ones who also suffer from the pains of addiction. May they be healed by your divine love and mercy, just as you healed Rhoda’s husband, George, of alcoholism.

Day 3 – Today let us pray for conversions in our families, who are under great attack living in an extremely secularized culture.

Day 4 – Today let us pray for more holy men and women, especially for an increase of vocations to religious life.

Day 5 – Today let us pray for all those struggling with infertility and pregnancy loss. May their grieving hearts be consoled by our Lord, the Giver of Life, and one day be blessed to share in God’s life-giving plans for the conception and raising of beloved children.

Day 6 – Today we pray for greater respect for life, especially for an end to abortion and euthanasia. May all people acknowledge and revere the truth that life comes from God alone. That the dignity of each unique person, made in the image and likeness of our Lord, both in the womb and those aging, has the right to live and fulfill God’s will on earth.

Day 7 – Today we pray for our country that it continues to uphold religious freedoms.

Day 8 – Today we pray for our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world who suffer persecution in the name of our Lord. May they be kept safe and remain courageous during these violent times.

Day 9 – Today we pray for the protection of our holy Mother Church.

Prayers to be said everyday (after the daily intentions, I think?)

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. (3 times)

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Heavenly Father, the love of your Crucified Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, sustained the Servant of God, Rhoda Wise, in her many sufferings and made her by grace a strong woman of Faith. She led others to the Sacred Heart of your Son, Jesus. She devoutly promoted daily recitation of the Most Holy Rosary. Prayers were answered. Faith was strengthened. May her Beatification come quickly as we ask for her intercession in this need… (Pause and add your intentions). We ask this through the Heart of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord. Amen

Imprimatur: + George V. Murry, S.J.
Bishop of Youngstown – May 12, 2017

With ecclesiastical approval 2020

Source: Novena for the Beatification of the Servant of God Rhoda Wise

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Pilgrims of the Living Water (Pelerins del Eau Vive)

Once upon a time (I’ve ALWAYS wanted to begin a post or a story with those words) three women attended a meeting of the Charismatic Renewal in Lourdes, France. This is the site of one of the most visited Marian Apparition shrines in the world. The Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared there to a poor, uneducated peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous eighteen times in late Winter through Spring, 1858.

This is not that story. It is the story of the three women and an organization they started in France in 1979 that helps people become liberated from alcoholism.

Marion Cahour, a doctor specializing in alcoholism, was accompanied by two friends, Marie-Claire, who was a recently retired nurse with an enthusiasm for people, and Zélie, a mother of six children.

The story goes that while at Lourdes during this Renewal they were confronted by an alcoholic hotel hostess who had repeatedly insulted them after they returned to their hotel room. Now, Marion Cahour’s father had died from alcoholism in 1922 when she was just 14. She later entered medical school and worked with alcoholics throughout her career. (By the way, in 1979 she was 71 years of age. Just like Mother Angelica who started EWTN at the age of 58, this shows that one is never too old to begin something that establishes a legacy.) They hit upon an idea during the torchlight procession, that of turning to Jesus to free people from alcoholism. They created a cardboard sign with the words:

“Jesus Savior heal us of alcohol, Thank you!”

 The sign and their public declaration were reportedly well received given that they were not expelled from the solemn ceremony. To quote from their website (links at the end of this post):

When they arrived at the Crowned Virgin, the master of ceremonies came to pick them up and brought them up the whole esplanade to place them on one of the side stairs of the basilica, in the middle of the banner carriers, just below a large lamppost so that they can be seen everywhere.

“Keep straight, carry the sign high,” his friends blew him, but the advice was useless. Thousands and thousands of eyes converged on them, on this sign, an unusual cry of misery and hope. When the Salvation ceremony at the Blessed Sacrament was completed, the cord of the many bishops in red or purple dresses at the foot of the basilica turned around and discovered them. One of them detached himself and came to them: “I congratulate you, ladies, he told them, for your courage and faith, it is above all this word “THANK YOU” that strikes me. (It was already a sign of recognition from our Church).

“Stay straight, hold the sign up,” his friends blew to him.

Then they were overwhelmed by a crowd of pilgrims from all sides, especially by groups of Italian and Spanish women, who shouted “alcohol-alcohol” while kissing their hands. For the three of her, it was a novelty. Their eyes got wet and after two hours they were still on the spot.

 They returned in 1980 with family and friends burdened by alcoholism. The nascent movement, obviously infused by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by His Immaculate Spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, began. The Mission of the Pilgrims of Living Water (Pelerins del Eau Vive in French) was born!

 From their site:

We are a Catholic mission that has existed since 1979, at the service of alcohol patients and their families, believers or unbelievers, who are either sick or have relatives who suffer from this disease (called codependents). It was created by Marion Cahour (see history of our mission) and is a Catholic mission constituted as a private association of the faithful, recognized by the Bishop of Nantes. Our foundation and spirituality place them in the Health Pastoral Care deployed in the Catholic Church

The Pilgrims of the Living Water are groups of Christians experienced by the ravages of alcohol, sick or codependent, whether in their personal lives, in that of their families or friends.

Cahour had the notion that alcoholism is a disease of the soul. 

“…at the origin of this dependence, there is a disease of the soul”

-Marion Cahour, The Pilgrims of the Living Water founder

I agree completely with this! I’ve written before on that and you’ve probably heard on your own about how people have a “hole in the soul” and they yearn to fill it. Many fill it by inappropriate means such as addictions, sex, drugs, and a host of other things which all have one thing in common: they do not fill that “hole in the soul.” That hole can only be filled by one thing: God.

Eau Vive meets once a week for 90 minutes in support groups called “Hearts,” to share, listen, and pray the Rosary. They also recite the “Prayer of the Glass of Water.”

 It refers to the Gospel of the Samaritan woman according to Saint John ch 4, v10 and 13.

“If you knew the gift of God and who is the one who says to you: “Give me a drink”, it was you who would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

Jesus answered: “Whoever drinks from this water from the well will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks from this water that I will give him, will never thirst again.”

This is also done at home in a private ceremony:

Every evening: (because the victory of the next day is won the night before)

Fill a glass of water by reciting the “Our Father” so that it becomes the glass of water given to the Samaritan.

Every morning: when you wake up, swallow it in confidence by saying:

“Jesus the savior, heal me of alcohol. Thank you” and then reciting the “Prayer of the Glass of Water:”

My God, come to my help

Lord to my rescue.

With the help of the Holy Spirit,

I decide to prefer today

Jesus Christ, my savior to my alcohol.

Blessed Virgin Mary,

I put my choice in your hands.

Pray that I will hold on,

O my father from heaven,

Hear my sick cry,

Take pity on me,

And give me the courage

To start this prayer again tomorrow.

Our Lady of Impossible Missions

Pray for us.

“Jesus Savior

heal us

of alcohol

Thank you!”

Finally, they work in a spirit of communion and reparation in something called the “Living Water of the Glorious Cross.” The…

…pilgrims of the Living Water of the Glorious Cross … offer in the communion of the saints their present sufferings to support the sick and their families wounded by this “ALCOHOL” scourge.

They will pray more particularly for those who struggle and hang out in a long fight of relapses, not to mention those who have died or will die without having experienced the release of their drug. They are entrusted with the great intentions of the Mission and the friends whose journey is the most difficult.

This mystical and contemplative branch will be the best lightning rod against the mortal danger of any division within the mission of the “Pilgrims of the Living Water”.

I learned about this group while reading a book on the 150th Anniversary of the Apparition of Lourdes; containing 150 ‘miraculous stories’ of healing and conversion, as well as stories of particular importance to the growth of the Shrine of Lourdes, one of these stories was about a man who ‘had it all’ and lost it because of the drink. He had a conversion experience while homeless in Paris when he chanced upon a Catholic Church where young people were praying the Rosary with some homeless people. He prayed for deliverance, the people took him in and helped get his life together and he joined Eau Vive.

You may have noticed that the “Prayer of the Pilgrims of Living Water” harkens to the Matt Talbot Way method of transferring your love for alcohol onto Jesus: ”

“With the help of the Holy Spirit, I decide to prefer today Jesus Christ, my savior to my alcohol.”

The links I promised, follow. They are all in French, but most modern browsers have a translation function. Please make use of it because the information is quite wonderful and useful!

Their homepage: Pelerins del Eau Vive

Their history: History of the Mission

Their program of recovery: What do we offer?

Their locations: Our ‘Hearts’  (None in the United States or Canada, alas. All appear to be in French-speaking countries.)

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)