Sean, over at Catholic Roundup, a blog and website that is a directory and one stop shop for all things Catholic New Media (blogs, podcasts and such) has a new project for the Lenten season. It is the 40 Days of Catholic Media 2011.
Sean’s purpose is three-fold: to use the 40 Days of Lent as a means for Catholic bloggers, podcasters and other community media creators to build community, increase their faith formation, and to get or offer whatever technical assistance that is needed for Catholic media people to improve their projects.
A lot of us who do this are isolated from one another. We blog or podcast from our own little offices or wherever and get little feedback from each other. “Is anybody out there? Is this thing on??? Hello?” So, there is an element of community support and creation in this project.
While many of us know our Catholic Faith pretty well, we are also not Pope Benedict XVI, individually or collectively. And so we always seek to increase our knowledge of the Faith. We have to know it in order to effectively transmit it though our online projects. In this manner we can help each other.
Many of us don’t necessarily have a good grasp as to how to go about all of this (I was clueless about getting domain names, and in using a paid host and not a free account on Blogger- and why it is better. I am still clueless about transferring files from my hard drive to the host -this is called “FTP”-, I still have to use scripts supplied by the host to accomplish things. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then maybe head over to Catholic Roundup this Lent. FTP tutorials are what I’m looking for!). So, there will be technical discussions for anyone in need of learning. Remember, there are no stupid questions, only unanswered ones.
In “More Details about 40 Days of Catholic Media” Sean outlines a weekly plan to cover these three areas. And in “Pardon Me, you seem to have a spot on your forehead” he starts the seasonal project off with something related to what a lot of Catholics are fearful of doing, walking around outside with dirt on their forehead during Ash Wednesday.
Why am I posting this? Well, as I’ve said many times in the past here, and most recently in my interview, I started this blog because there wasn’t anything else out there like it for recovering Catholic alcoholics an addicts. And there basically still isn’t. For some reason, Catholics who get clean and sober do not turn to interactive media like blogs and community sites to spread their Faith and how it impacts their recovery. There is the occasional blog, but their Catholicism seems peripheral to their recovery. They are 12 Steppers who happen to be Catholic, and they might mention their Faith now and then. Several have started, but have gone silent. Not too helpful to other recovering Catholics seeking online community.
So I am announcing Sean’s project and am participating in it so maybe I can see who else is out there. Maybe someone will get inspired and start another Catholic-focused recovery project. I think Sean’s intent is directed to existing members of the Catholic online blogosphere and podcasting community. Mine, too, but I’m also looking to see who else might be interested in jumping in. If they see that there is a vibrant, online community willing to band and bond together and help out with affirmation, Faith formation and technical information, then who knows…
I have a new book!
"The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on
"Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and
and others!"!
My two other books are still available!
"The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)
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