The Hour Of Grace from Mary, Mystical Rose

This is a post on “The Hour of Grace” announced during a recently approved apparition of Our Lady to Pierina Gilli in 1947.

The Hour Of Grace is on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

From 12 Noon To 1 PM, (your local time, so this should cover the Earth with graces for a 24 hour period.)


1. The Hour of Grace is to be one full hour of prayer, beginning at 12:00 Noon and continuing until 1:00 PM, on December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 

2. During this hour, the person making the “Hour of Grace” either at home, church, the grotto, must put away all distractions (do not answer the phones or answer any doors or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this special Hour of Grace).

3. Begin the Hour of Grace by praying Psalm 51 three times with out-stretched arms.

4. The rest of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent communication with God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, saying the Holy Rosary, Precious Blood Chaplet, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chaplet of St. Michael, Sorrowful Mother Chaplet, etc.

The Blessed Virgin has requested that Her important message be sent throughout the entire world. Please help Her Mission: “that all souls be drawn to God and that Jesus will be loved in every heart.” (My note on this: If you have a Catholic-centric blog or podcast, or routinely post Catholic stuff on your social media accounts, please share this post and/or at least the links I gave in this postand this one. Obviously, prior to the Hour of Grace!)

If the children cannot recite Psalm 51 between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m., because they may be in school, say it in the evening as a family.  

The Blessed Virgin Mary promised that whatever a person asked Her for during this Hour of Grace (even in impossible cases) would be granted to them, in accordance with the Will of the Eternal Father.

Since December 8th is still five months off, I will reblog this just before that day. I’m posting this today just to get you thinking about it and perhaps prepare.

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My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Devotions to honor Our Lady, the Mystical Rose

Yesterday I told you about a new Marian Apparition that was approved by Rome. The following is the list of general devotions to Our Lady, the Mystical Rose, whose feast day is this upcoming Saturday, July 13th! 

1. Each 13th day of the month must be dedicated to special acts of devotion to Mary, with preparation of prayer and mortification during the 12 preceding days. 

2. First Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday!): we honor the Anniversary of the coming of Rosa Mystica to Fontenelle, where she blessed the water manifesting God’s mercy. 

The springs are reputed to have miraculous curative powers, just like that of Lourdes.

3. The 13th of July each year will be celebrated in honor of Mary as the “Rosa Mystica.” 

4. The 13th of October of the first year (I assume this is 2024? The “first year” of the aparition’s approval?) and then the second Sunday of the month each year thereafter will be sanctified with Holy Communion of Reparation, preceded by confession. 

Under this title, Holy Communions of Reperation, prayer groups or congregations can be formed. 

5. Each year on December 8th, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, at midday the Hour of Grace will be practiced, awaiting particular graces of conversion and sanctification, promised for that hour. It shall be practiced in one’s own church, worshiping the most Blessed Sacrament if possible; otherwise privately or in groups of prayer. 

6. Go to the blessed spring, in procession, with pentitential prayers and bring the sick. Those in need of spiritual help for themselves and for their loved ones shall go there in a pilgrimage. 

(Obviously this can’t be done if you live far from Italy. Perhaps in the future Rome will make allowances for this and it can be done at Marian shrines outside of Italy.) 

7. The three words signified by the three roses, “Prayer, Sacrifice, and Penance,” remain fundamental characteristics of the devotion of Mary Rosa Mystica. We are to pray with perserverance and not seek to avoid sufferings. We are to do this on behalf of consecrated souls, and in particular for the conversion of consecrated souls who are unfaithful to their vocation; for the sactification of souls; and for an increase in the number of religious and priestly vocations. This purpose for the devotion was first suggested by Mary primarily for religious institutes, while remaining a proposal open to everyone. 

8. Also characteristic of all these messages is the purpose of reparation for offenses against the sacrament of the Eucharist, against the name of God and of Jesus, against the privaleges of Mary, against the Church and the Pope, against the innocence of the young ones and of simple souls, against the sacredness of human life and the sancity of the family. 

Naturally presupposed in all of these devotional practices is the obeservance of the Commandments, the practice of Christian virtues and first of all charity towards our neighbor.

Now we come to the daily observances of the devotion:

Everyday, make an effort to pray:

Thers is also this special version of the Rosary: A Meditated Holy Rosary, that is, “The Rosary of Three Roses”


I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Devotion to Rosa Mystica approved

I was not really aware of this apparition of Our Lady as I tend to ignore unapproved apparitions. However….. WE HAVE A NEW APPROVED APPARITION AND SOME NEW DEVOTIONS!!!!

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has stated that it found no elements in the messages disseminated by Pierina Gilli that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals. This declaration is included in a letter published on July 8, signed by the Prefect of the DDF, Victor Manuel Fernandez, and approved by the Pope. The letter addresses the devotion to Maria Rosa Mystica (‘Mary Mystical Rose’) and the messages that Pierina Gilli claims to have received from the Virgin Mary in 1947 and 1966. The letter highlights the positive aspects of these messages, while also noting some elements that require clarification to prevent misunderstandings.

Source: Green light for devotion to Our Lady Mystical Rose

OK, now on to the particulars of the devotion: 

The story of the devotion is told here: The Miraculous Image of Rosa Mystica, and here: Apparitions of Our Lady – Rosa Mystica – 1947 – 1976

These are “official” sites of the Apparition, this one is About Our Lady Maria, Rosa Mystica and details the life of the seer, Pierina Gilli and the basic story behind Our Lady’s visits and messages. 

This details all of the  Devotions to Honor Our Lady Maria, Rosa Mystica, whereas this tells you about what to do every day: Daily Devotions & Additional Prayers.

Here’s a link to the Diocesan Sanctuary of the Mystical Rose – Mother Of The Church and Montichiari Fountains

Here’s a nice downloadable PDF!

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena begins today

The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena begins today. I had almost forgotten. Her feast day is June 27th. Here are some novenas you can say:

Here’s one from EWTN: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help | EWTN 

Here’s another from Pray More Novenas.

Here’s another nice one.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Sign of the Cross Apostolate

 I have been delving deeper into EWTN’s programming since I posted the other day about Mother Angelica is as helpful and inspiring today as she was decades ago. I have also begun exploring their programming on Lourdes (an obvious devotion for anyone who is an alcoholic and addict or is otherwise afflicted with physical and emotional maladies.) I found this series from a few short years ago: My Lourdes Faith Journey. It is like a companion to this book: Everyday Miracles Of Lourdes – Twenty Extraordinary Experiences Along The Way To The Grotto

Both are products of the work of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers. Many of the chapters of the book serve as episodes of the “My Lourdes Faith Journey” program. One in particular stood out for me. At the end of Episode 5- Jamie Jensen, Mr Jensen (a quadriplegic who’s been to Lourdes well over a dozen times and serves on the Board of Advisors to the Hospitality NA Volunteers group) casually mentioned about a “Sign of the Cross Apostolate.” I couldn’t find any website, not even a page on the Volunteers Hospitality  site, but that might be because it’s very simple and probably spreads by word of mouth by those who participate in the Volunteers Hospitality pilgimages. 

Here’s some background: Our Lady of Lourdes North American Volunteers is an apostolate dedicated to arranging pilgrimages to Lourdes for North Americans who need to immerse themselves in the baths, visit the grotto, and obtain a physical, mental or spiritual healing. They are based in Syracuse, NY (not too far from my hometown of Oneida!) The book, “Everyday Miracles of Lourdes” details 21 stories of healing and conversion. The EWTN series “My Lourdes Faith Journey,” like I said above, is about many of those stories. Marlene Watkins, the host of the show and author of the book, interviews the pilgrims. It’s quite a wonderful, uplifting experience. 

Now, about the Sign of the Cross Apostolate. Mr. Jensen refers to it near the end of the episode he’s featured on. Since he is a quadriplegic, he cannot physically make the Sign of the Cross. People have to do it for him. He said in the book’s chapter on him as well as on the show, that if he could  move his arms only once, it would be to make the Sign of the Cross. 

The Sign of the Cross is an important part of the Lourdes devotion because St. Bernadette said that it is the path to Heaven when done with devotion and piety. The Sign of the Cross is also important when you consider the words:

“In the Name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen””

Whenever you pray ‘In the name of,’ such as praying in the Name of Jesus (“In Jesus’ Name!”) and so forth, you are submitted to the authority contained in that name. In essence, when  making the Sign of the Cross, you are inviting the Will of God into your life and and are subjecting your prayers to His authority. You may get the things you prayed for or you may not. It’s all up to whether it’s a part of God’s Will for you. So, when you make the Sign of the Cross, you are inviting the Trinity. (I think you are also inviting the Blessed Mother in since being the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, she is an integral part of the Trinity. St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote extensively on her ‘Quasi-Trinitarian participation in a quasi-hypostatic union’ – or something like that – with the Trinity since she is the Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.) 

Many people cannot make the Sign of the Cross because of their physical disability. Many people cannot do it in certain countries because it’ll mean imprisonment or death. This kind of shamed me (not a bad thing; the world can use a greater awareness of ‘shame’) since I am a rather casual Sign of the Cross maker. 

THAT is the Sign of the Cross Apostolate. Making the Sign of the Cross for those who cannot. That’s it. No special prayers or writings or devotions. Just make the Sign of the Cross for those who cannot. 

So, every time I make the Sign of the Cross, whether in private or in public (a courageous act!) I will do it with this in mind. Not only for my salvation, as per St. Bernadette’s conviction, but for all of those who cannot do it for whatever reason. 

You should too! Spread the word about this!

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Pilgrims of the Living Water (Pelerins del Eau Vive)

Once upon a time (I’ve ALWAYS wanted to begin a post or a story with those words) three women attended a meeting of the Charismatic Renewal in Lourdes, France. This is the site of one of the most visited Marian Apparition shrines in the world. The Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared there to a poor, uneducated peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous eighteen times in late Winter through Spring, 1858.

This is not that story. It is the story of the three women and an organization they started in France in 1979 that helps people become liberated from alcoholism.

Marion Cahour, a doctor specializing in alcoholism, was accompanied by two friends, Marie-Claire, who was a recently retired nurse with an enthusiasm for people, and Zélie, a mother of six children.

The story goes that while at Lourdes during this Renewal they were confronted by an alcoholic hotel hostess who had repeatedly insulted them after they returned to their hotel room. Now, Marion Cahour’s father had died from alcoholism in 1922 when she was just 14. She later entered medical school and worked with alcoholics throughout her career. (By the way, in 1979 she was 71 years of age. Just like Mother Angelica who started EWTN at the age of 58, this shows that one is never too old to begin something that establishes a legacy.) They hit upon an idea during the torchlight procession, that of turning to Jesus to free people from alcoholism. They created a cardboard sign with the words:

“Jesus Savior heal us of alcohol, Thank you!”

 The sign and their public declaration were reportedly well received given that they were not expelled from the solemn ceremony. To quote from their website (links at the end of this post):

When they arrived at the Crowned Virgin, the master of ceremonies came to pick them up and brought them up the whole esplanade to place them on one of the side stairs of the basilica, in the middle of the banner carriers, just below a large lamppost so that they can be seen everywhere.

“Keep straight, carry the sign high,” his friends blew him, but the advice was useless. Thousands and thousands of eyes converged on them, on this sign, an unusual cry of misery and hope. When the Salvation ceremony at the Blessed Sacrament was completed, the cord of the many bishops in red or purple dresses at the foot of the basilica turned around and discovered them. One of them detached himself and came to them: “I congratulate you, ladies, he told them, for your courage and faith, it is above all this word “THANK YOU” that strikes me. (It was already a sign of recognition from our Church).

“Stay straight, hold the sign up,” his friends blew to him.

Then they were overwhelmed by a crowd of pilgrims from all sides, especially by groups of Italian and Spanish women, who shouted “alcohol-alcohol” while kissing their hands. For the three of her, it was a novelty. Their eyes got wet and after two hours they were still on the spot.

 They returned in 1980 with family and friends burdened by alcoholism. The nascent movement, obviously infused by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by His Immaculate Spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, began. The Mission of the Pilgrims of Living Water (Pelerins del Eau Vive in French) was born!

 From their site:

We are a Catholic mission that has existed since 1979, at the service of alcohol patients and their families, believers or unbelievers, who are either sick or have relatives who suffer from this disease (called codependents). It was created by Marion Cahour (see history of our mission) and is a Catholic mission constituted as a private association of the faithful, recognized by the Bishop of Nantes. Our foundation and spirituality place them in the Health Pastoral Care deployed in the Catholic Church

The Pilgrims of the Living Water are groups of Christians experienced by the ravages of alcohol, sick or codependent, whether in their personal lives, in that of their families or friends.

Cahour had the notion that alcoholism is a disease of the soul. 

“…at the origin of this dependence, there is a disease of the soul”

-Marion Cahour, The Pilgrims of the Living Water founder

I agree completely with this! I’ve written before on that and you’ve probably heard on your own about how people have a “hole in the soul” and they yearn to fill it. Many fill it by inappropriate means such as addictions, sex, drugs, and a host of other things which all have one thing in common: they do not fill that “hole in the soul.” That hole can only be filled by one thing: God.

Eau Vive meets once a week for 90 minutes in support groups called “Hearts,” to share, listen, and pray the Rosary. They also recite the “Prayer of the Glass of Water.”

 It refers to the Gospel of the Samaritan woman according to Saint John ch 4, v10 and 13.

“If you knew the gift of God and who is the one who says to you: “Give me a drink”, it was you who would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

Jesus answered: “Whoever drinks from this water from the well will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks from this water that I will give him, will never thirst again.”

This is also done at home in a private ceremony:

Every evening: (because the victory of the next day is won the night before)

Fill a glass of water by reciting the “Our Father” so that it becomes the glass of water given to the Samaritan.

Every morning: when you wake up, swallow it in confidence by saying:

“Jesus the savior, heal me of alcohol. Thank you” and then reciting the “Prayer of the Glass of Water:”

My God, come to my help

Lord to my rescue.

With the help of the Holy Spirit,

I decide to prefer today

Jesus Christ, my savior to my alcohol.

Blessed Virgin Mary,

I put my choice in your hands.

Pray that I will hold on,

O my father from heaven,

Hear my sick cry,

Take pity on me,

And give me the courage

To start this prayer again tomorrow.

Our Lady of Impossible Missions

Pray for us.

“Jesus Savior

heal us

of alcohol

Thank you!”

Finally, they work in a spirit of communion and reparation in something called the “Living Water of the Glorious Cross.” The…

…pilgrims of the Living Water of the Glorious Cross … offer in the communion of the saints their present sufferings to support the sick and their families wounded by this “ALCOHOL” scourge.

They will pray more particularly for those who struggle and hang out in a long fight of relapses, not to mention those who have died or will die without having experienced the release of their drug. They are entrusted with the great intentions of the Mission and the friends whose journey is the most difficult.

This mystical and contemplative branch will be the best lightning rod against the mortal danger of any division within the mission of the “Pilgrims of the Living Water”.

I learned about this group while reading a book on the 150th Anniversary of the Apparition of Lourdes; containing 150 ‘miraculous stories’ of healing and conversion, as well as stories of particular importance to the growth of the Shrine of Lourdes, one of these stories was about a man who ‘had it all’ and lost it because of the drink. He had a conversion experience while homeless in Paris when he chanced upon a Catholic Church where young people were praying the Rosary with some homeless people. He prayed for deliverance, the people took him in and helped get his life together and he joined Eau Vive.

You may have noticed that the “Prayer of the Pilgrims of Living Water” harkens to the Matt Talbot Way method of transferring your love for alcohol onto Jesus: ”

“With the help of the Holy Spirit, I decide to prefer today Jesus Christ, my savior to my alcohol.”

The links I promised, follow. They are all in French, but most modern browsers have a translation function. Please make use of it because the information is quite wonderful and useful!

Their homepage: Pelerins del Eau Vive

Their history: History of the Mission

Their program of recovery: What do we offer?

Their locations: Our ‘Hearts’  (None in the United States or Canada, alas. All appear to be in French-speaking countries.)

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Christmas Novena and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

For this Immaculate Heart Saturday, I will connect the Blessed Mother’s heart to praying a Christmas novena. It doesn’t matter which novena you pray.

How? Well, think of it: a novena is a prayer said every day for nine days. The Blessed Mother knew through the annunciation of St. Gabriel the Archangel that she was to give birth to the Messiah (So much for that idiotic song, “Mary Did You Know?) Mary may or may not have known exactly when she was to give birth, however, but we can be certain that she was in deep prayer in the days leading up to their arrival in Bethlehem. 

As it was later stated in the Gospels that Mary ‘pondered these things in her heart,’ as a very pregnant woman she knew the day of the blessed event was drawing near. Taking into consideration her foreknowledge of her unborn child’s identity, I would make the comfortable guess that in the days leading up to the birth, she was ‘deep in prayer’ and this prayer was certainly emanating from within her heart.

So, when you pray a Christmas Novena, please do it from the heart: you will be uniting your prayers intimately with Mary and possibly even sharing in Mary’s memories.

Here’s a good Novena: Christmas Novena | EWTN

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Alliance of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Part 13

Today is December 8th, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s also Friday, meaning it’s time for my weekly Sacred Heart Friday post! 

The fact that today’s feast falls on a Friday this time around helped me to come up with the post. I wrote this back in August or September, but realized it would be perfect for today and thus kept it in the local drafts folder.

It isn’t explicit or all that implicit in the Bible; you’d have to ponder certain events and extrapolate from them quite a ways to arrive at the following (which is why non-Catholic theologians never come up with anywhere near the things Catholic ones have, who are guided by the right use of human reason and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And, throw in a fair number of approved Marian Apparitions and private revelations….)

Many medieval and faithful contemporary theologians agree that God created Mary for the sole purpose of being the Mother of Jesus. She wasn’t just some random girl that God picked out to be the Mother of His Son. The idea is laughable. The single most important event in the history of humanity, the Incarnation, would not have a single element in it that was a ‘causal’ or ‘happenstance’ decision. Everything, and I mean, E V E R Y T H I N G that is a sequence in God’s decision-making process (to use our manner of speaking because God, being omniscient and omnipotent, doesn’t need to employ a ‘process’ to arrive at things, He gets it all instantaneously) is tremendously important. God’s Will is how the Universe is run. How He accomplishes things and how they are accomplished is important. And if He wanted His Divine Son to be born of a woman, then you’d better believe that that woman is not going to be just any ordinary female picked at random. Any act of God, no matter how seemingly trivial, is vitally important and contains lessons. The Mother of God would be created specifically to bear God’s Son and therefore accorded all the privileges, benefits, and advantages that such a woman deserves. 

The Church Fathers and theologians through the Medieval era developed the belief that God planned Mary’s creation from all eternity. When she was conceived she was gifted with being “full of grace,” that is, so full of the plenitude of God’s free gifts of supernatural help that she lacked Original Sin from the moment of her conception. As a result of this, she lacked the hindrances that arose from Original Sin. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were perfect. They were genetically perfect, lived in harmony with God’s Will, and benefitted from that union, which probably included superior knowledge of things (except for the knowledge of Good and Evil, which was the carrot used by Satan to tempt them and wasn’t needed by them since they didn’t naturally do evil because they didn’t have to, given their relationship with God. Except for that one time when their Free Will was corrupted by Satan and all Hell broke loose.)

Mary, lacking Original Sin, was in the state Adam and Eve were in before the Fall. Therefore, she was in perfect harmony and union with God and from her conception grew in the love and knowledge of God. The Church Fathers and Medieval theologians also taught that she possessed full use of reason, which was likely true given her Immaculate state. (You have to ponder and meditate on what was lost by our First Parents through Original Sin. The implications of the Fall are glossed over because we’ve read Genesis 3 too often and it’s frequently not taken seriously because of the imagery of a snake tempting a woman with an apple. The profundity is missed.) 

OK, now to connect this with the topic of this post. Mary lived in perfect harmony with God while in the womb. She loved Him, and possessing the use of reason, knew Him. As we read in Scripture, sometimes something happened and Mary ‘pondered it in her heart.’ This was mentioned more than once so we can infer it was a natural part of her personality and behavior. She was the perfect contemplative. There’s no reason why this did not occur while she was in the womb. In her love and knowledge of God, she pondered Him in her heart. 

God, being a Trinity, and so where One member is the other Two also are, when Mary loved and pondered God the Father, she also was doing so for the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word that was yet to be made flesh and dwell within her. Whether she knew that the Word was to be born in her is open to conjecture. (‘No,’ in the approved private revelation of the Blessed Mother to the Venerable Mary of Agreda in the epic “Mystical City of God.”) However, through her participation (according to our way of speaking) in the hypostatic union, her heart also beat in union with the Word’s. (But the Word wasn’t made flesh yet, how can there be a heart? Easy. The Word still loved. St. Maximilian Kolbe focused often on the fact that the Holy Spirit is the intense love that the Father and the Son have for each other. It is so intense that it manifests from all eternity as the Third Person of the Trinity (my language may be a tad imprecise, but I’m just an armchair theologian. 😉 )

And so there you have it. Mary’s heart, by virtue of her Immaculate Conception, was linked to Jesus’ while he was still dwelling solely with the Father and the Spirit in Heaven. 

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

On the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Church rightly teaches that Mary was conceived without the stain of Original Sin, based upon the anticipated merits of the passion, death, and resurrection of her Son, Jesus Christ.

In 1854, Pope Pius XI proclaimed in Ineffabilis Deus the following:

We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.

This makes sense on many different levels.

  • God exists outside of time and is not restricted by the chronological sequence of events that occur within time. 
  • The Holy Spirit could not have ‘overshadowed’ Mary to form Jesus in her womb if she was in the state of Original Sin. Mary’s union with the Holy Spirit is a spousal union. “What God had joined, let none rend asunder.” This is an important point that helped me finally understand more solidly the whole ‘Immaculate Conception’ thing. Her spousal union with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s ‘overshadowing’ Mary required her to be sinless. Not just preserved from Original Sin, but also the stain it leaves behind (concupiscence.). Sin blocks grace from the soul; mortal sin is deadly and separates us from God, while venial sin distances us from God. Mary’s spousal union with the Spirit would have been ruptured if she was capable of sinning. Remember: “What God had joined, let none rend asunder.”  If she was in any state of sin, the Holy Spirit could not have joined with her in the first place. 
  • Therefore, how can the Holy Spirit’s spousal union with Mary be maintained at all if she had concupiscence? It couldn’t. Therefore, Mary could not have Original Sin, and by not being subjected to it or having its stain on her soul, she was incapable of committing venial and mortal sins. This is where all other humans differ from Mary. Although by Baptism we’ve had Original Sin removed, its stain remains, and by this concupiscence, we sin. With Mary, since the stain was removed concupiscence was never a part of her being. But while Christians have received the Holy Spirit in Baptism, our union with the Spirit is not to the same degree as Mary’s. Ours is not a spousal union; sin can rupture it. Hence we need the Sacraments to repair the rupture.
  • Since she bore Him in her womb for nine months, she could not even commit venial and mortal sins during this period as this would place Jesus under the domain of Satan, since a fetus is physically a part of the mother. (While not culpable for the mother’s sins, nor capable of sinning itself, a fetus would still be affected by them.) Her sinless behavior obviously would have continued after Jesus’ birth. This is the basis for the teachings of Sts. Lous de Montfort and Maximilian Kolbe when they wrote that Mary’s will was always in conformity with God’s will. Kolbe especially emphasized this. 
  • So, the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception has the effect also of rendering the rubrics of administering the sacraments more meaningful, given the role of the Holy Spirit in everything. The Spirit joined with Mary because she was without sin. We are baptized and Original Sin is removed and then the Holy Spirit enters our soul and later we can receive the remaining sacraments. 
  • Some critics point out that St. Paul said somewhere in his letters that “all have sinned.” Well, this cannot possibly mean ‘all’ as in ‘everyone;’ for would this ‘all’ include Jesus? I think Paul meant  ‘all born of women’ in the normal manner of birthing. If someone is still going to make the point that ‘all’ inherit Original Sin, and then Mary would still need redeeming, then we go back to the original declaration of the dogma of her immaculate conception that she was redeemed by the anticipated merits of Jesus Christ and so was prevented from having the stain of Original Sin in the first place. (please refer to the first bullet for any chronological objections.

    I brought up this point in an older post:

  • “…wouldn’t God, Who knew from all Eternity His plan of Salvation, and decided that His Son would be born of a woman rather than Incarnate as a mighty king and lord fully grown, wouldn’t He have taken great pains to decide upon the formation of she who would bear His Son? If YOU had the opportunity to design your own mother, wouldn’t YOU insist that she the among the most beautiful, intelligent, and talented of all? One of the Ten Commandments holds that we should “Honor our Father and Mother,” well, wouldn’t God also follow that? Even one was to declare that He is not subject to His own Commandments and laws, why wouldn’t He follow that one at least, to provide an example?” An addendum to this point is that if YOU could make your own mother, and could also make her perfectly pure and holy, wouldn’t you?

    In an even older post I said:

  • “…One could argue then that why couldn’t Jesus have been conceived immaculately? He could have, but the difficulty in that would be that He still would be in Mary’s womb, and what would be the barrier between Him and Original Sin? His own sacrifice on the cross, decades later? He is divine and sinless, so His own death was not for Himself, He died for humanity. So Mary, by sharing her body and blood with Jesus in her womb, would benefit from the eventual sacrifice of Jesus. Mary is the physical barrier between Jesus and her ancestral line, caught in Original Sin like the rest of humanity. The physical barrier protecting Mary from her mother’s state of Original Sin was Jesus, operating from the fullness of time, as God dwells in Eternity.”

So, there it is! See how it all connects? Remove Original Sin and the free operation of the Holy Spirit can begin in souls. With Mary, it required her to be preserved from all sin so the Holy Spirit could join her in an eternal spousal union so that Jesus could be formed in her womb (and later so that Mary could participate in the distribution of graces from the Holy Spirit; but that’s a whole ’nother topic.) With us, it required us to be Baptized so the Holy Spirit could join us in a sacramental union so that we could be formed into the Mystical Body of Christ (and receive the graces from which the Holy Spirit is the source. Whoops, ’nother topic!) 

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Sacred Heart and the Miraculous Medal

For this Sacred Heart Friday, I want to point out that the Sacred Heart image is on the reverse side of the Miraculous Medal. 

Medal copy 0

This may not be shocking, ground-breaking, or particularly profound, but you’d be surprised how many people aren’t aware of this. So, when you wear your Miraculous Medal, or hand them out to random people on the street, you’re connectingnto Jesus’ SSacred Heart and helping to spread the devotion!

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)