The apparitions of Our Lady as “Rosa Mystica”

Tomorrow, July 13th, is a new feast day in honor of the Blessed Virgin under a new title, that of “Rosa Mystica” (Mystical Rose.) I am posting this today to give you a head’s up on it. Tomorrow I’ll be posting information on devotions.

The apparitions of Our Lady as “Rosa Mystica” occurred between 1947 and 1976 in Montichiari, Italy, to Pierina Gilli, a nurse. The primary purpose was the reform of clergy and religious houses, continuing the message of Fatima by urging prayer, penance, and the Rosary. Today is the feast day of the Apparition. Interestingly, July 13th is the anniversary of the Fatima Apparition when the three seers were given a vision of Hell as well as three secrets. What is really intersting is that this newly approved apparition taken as a extension of Fatima. 

The Church had doubts about the apparition’s supernatural character. After initially refusing to acknowledge the apparition, about a decade after the seer’s death in 1991, the investigation was reopened and only within the past few years “gained steam” leading to its official approval this past Monday, July 8th.

This is the story of the Apparition, gleaned from several sites listed in the link in the previous sentence.

The first Apparition ocurred in the Spring  of 1947. Our Lady appeared to Pierina Gilli  in a hospital room, wearing a violet dress and white veil about her head. She also appeared to be sad, with tears and three swords in her chest. She called for “Prayer, Penance, Expiation.”

During the second Apparition on July 13, 1947, Our Lady appeared in a white dress with three roses (white for prayer, red for sacrifice, yellow for penance and conversion) instead of swords. Our Lady said:

“I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to bring you a new Marian devotion to all religious orders and institutes, male and female, and to the priests of the world. I promise to protect those religious orders and institutes who will venerate me in this special way, increase their vocations, and achieve a greater striving for saintliness among the servants of God.”

She also requested Marian devotion on the 13th of each month, with July 13th being celebrated in honor of her under her title of Mystical Rose.

In the third Apparition on October 22, 1947,  Mary emphasized her role as, quote:

“I have placed myself as the mediatrix between my Divine Son and mankind, especially for the soul consecrated to God. Tired of the continuous offenses, He already wanted to dispense His Justice.”

Our Lady concluded her visit with saying:

“Live out of love!”

The fourth Apparition on November 16, 1947, Our Lady appeared in the Basilica of Montichiari, saying:

“Our Lord can no longer watch the many grievous sins against purity. He wants to send a flood of punishments. I have interceded that He may be merciful once more! Therefore, I ask for prayer and penance to atone for these sins.”

The Blessed Virgin added:

“I lovingly ask the priests to express their great love and stop the people from committing those sins. Whoever will atone for those sins, will receive my blessing and graces.”

In reply to the Pierina Gilli’s question as to whether we may hope for forgiveness, Our Lady said:

“Yes, as long as these sins are no longer committed.”

With these words, she went away.

In the fifth Apparition on November 22, 1947, Our Lady appeared in the Basilica of Montichiari and said:

“I descend on this place, for many great conversions will happen here,”

and in a sad voice she continued:

“The Christians of your Italian nation belong to those who offend most my Divine Son, Jesus through their sins of unchastity. Our Lord demands, therefore, PRAYER, GENEROUS SACRIFICES, AND PENANCE!”

Pierina asked: “What do we have to do to fulfill your demands for prayer and penance?”

Our Lady replied full of tenderness:


After a short, silent pause, she explained:

“Penance means to accept every day all the little crosses and the duties too, in the spirit of penance.”

Thereupon, she promised solemnly:

“On the December 8th, at noon, I shall appear again here in the Basilica. It will be the Hour of Grace.”

Pierina asked: “Please explain to me the meaning of the “Hour of Grace?””

This Hour of Grace will produce great and numerous conversions. Hardened and cold hearts resembling this marble will be touched by Divine Grace, and they will become faithful to Our Lord in loyal love.” 

For sixth Apparition onDecember 7, 1947, Our Lady appeared at the Basilica of Montichiari with the two deceased Fatima children, Jacinta and Francisco Marto (now saints), emphasizing her connection to the message of Fatima and the devotion to her Immaculate Heart, along with her desire to be venerated under the title of  “Rosa Mystica.” Another reason for appearing with the two Fatima seers was revealed when Our Lady said:

Jacinta and Francisco” they will help you in your trials and suffering. They too, suffered. I wish from you the simplicity and goodness of these two children.

On the seventh Apparition on December 8, 1947, Our Lady appeared on a large white staircase, decorated with a white, red and yellow rose. She said with a smile:

I am the Immaculate Conception. 

And descending several steps with great majesty, she continued:

I am Mary, full of grace, Mother of my Divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Descending even more, she said:

Through my coming to Montichiari, I wish to be known as the Rosa Mystica. It is my wish that every year, on the 8th of December, at noon, the Hour Of Grace for the World be celebrated . Many divine and bodily graces will be received through this devotion. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will send His overflowing mercy if good people will pray continuously for their sinful brothers. One should very soon notify the Holy Father of the Church, Pope Pius XII, that it is my wish that the Hour Of Grace for the World be made known and spread throughout the world. If anyone is unable to visit his church, yet will pray at noon at home, he will also receive graces through me. Whoever prays on these tiles and weeps tears of penance, will find a secure heavenly ladder and receive protection and grace through my motherly heart.

Then Our Lady showed Pierina her heart and said:

Look at this heart, which loves mankind so very much, but most people only shower offenses upon it. If the good and the bad unite in prayer they will obtain mercy and peace through this heart. The Lord is still protecting the good and is holding back a great punishment because of my intercession.

Our Lady smiled again and went on:

Soon one will recognize the greatness of this Hour of Grace.

(More on this “Hour of Grace” in this post.)

In 1966, a new series of apparitions  ocurred at Fontanelle, on the outskirts of Montichiari. These focused on the healing powers of a spring where pilgrims gather water for pious uses. Our Lady touched the water twice with her hands and said to Pierina.

My Divine Son sent me here to bestow healing power on this water. I want the sick and all my Children to come to this miraculous well. children must first ask pardon for their sins and draw the water lovingly from the well.

There were more apparitions in the ensuing years, as this post is long enough already, I will just refer you to: The History Of Apparitions Mary Appears As “Rosa Mystica” In Montichiari And Fontanelle

So, there it is. We have a new day to honor Our Lady with some new devotions (see the links in the Vatican approval post of mine I linked to way up above.)

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Saint Benedict Medal

Today is the feast day of St. Benedict of Nursia. Known as the father of Western Christian monasticism through the Rule he wrote bearing his name and the numerous monasteries he founded throughout central and western Europe, he may be known to us alcoholics and addicts from the medal that is attributed to his order, the Order of St.Benedict.


People have issues with Wikipedia, but this article does a good job of explaining the mysterious initials and Latin text: Saint Benedict Medal – Wikipedia, especially these on one side:  V R S N S M V – S M Q L I V B, which means in Latin: “Vade retro Satana! Numquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas! (‘Begone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!’) Boldface mine, and that part is what makes this medal popular with many alcoholics, Catholic or not.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

The Hour Of Grace from Mary, Mystical Rose

This is a post on “The Hour of Grace” announced during a recently approved apparition of Our Lady to Pierina Gilli in 1947.

The Hour Of Grace is on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

From 12 Noon To 1 PM, (your local time, so this should cover the Earth with graces for a 24 hour period.)


1. The Hour of Grace is to be one full hour of prayer, beginning at 12:00 Noon and continuing until 1:00 PM, on December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 

2. During this hour, the person making the “Hour of Grace” either at home, church, the grotto, must put away all distractions (do not answer the phones or answer any doors or do anything but totally concentrate on your union with God during this special Hour of Grace).

3. Begin the Hour of Grace by praying Psalm 51 three times with out-stretched arms.

4. The rest of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent communication with God meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, saying the Holy Rosary, Precious Blood Chaplet, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chaplet of St. Michael, Sorrowful Mother Chaplet, etc.

The Blessed Virgin has requested that Her important message be sent throughout the entire world. Please help Her Mission: “that all souls be drawn to God and that Jesus will be loved in every heart.” (My note on this: If you have a Catholic-centric blog or podcast, or routinely post Catholic stuff on your social media accounts, please share this post and/or at least the links I gave in this postand this one. Obviously, prior to the Hour of Grace!)

If the children cannot recite Psalm 51 between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m., because they may be in school, say it in the evening as a family.  

The Blessed Virgin Mary promised that whatever a person asked Her for during this Hour of Grace (even in impossible cases) would be granted to them, in accordance with the Will of the Eternal Father.

Since December 8th is still five months off, I will reblog this just before that day. I’m posting this today just to get you thinking about it and perhaps prepare.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Devotions to honor Our Lady, the Mystical Rose

Yesterday I told you about a new Marian Apparition that was approved by Rome. The following is the list of general devotions to Our Lady, the Mystical Rose, whose feast day is this upcoming Saturday, July 13th! 

1. Each 13th day of the month must be dedicated to special acts of devotion to Mary, with preparation of prayer and mortification during the 12 preceding days. 

2. First Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday!): we honor the Anniversary of the coming of Rosa Mystica to Fontenelle, where she blessed the water manifesting God’s mercy. 

The springs are reputed to have miraculous curative powers, just like that of Lourdes.

3. The 13th of July each year will be celebrated in honor of Mary as the “Rosa Mystica.” 

4. The 13th of October of the first year (I assume this is 2024? The “first year” of the aparition’s approval?) and then the second Sunday of the month each year thereafter will be sanctified with Holy Communion of Reparation, preceded by confession. 

Under this title, Holy Communions of Reperation, prayer groups or congregations can be formed. 

5. Each year on December 8th, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, at midday the Hour of Grace will be practiced, awaiting particular graces of conversion and sanctification, promised for that hour. It shall be practiced in one’s own church, worshiping the most Blessed Sacrament if possible; otherwise privately or in groups of prayer. 

6. Go to the blessed spring, in procession, with pentitential prayers and bring the sick. Those in need of spiritual help for themselves and for their loved ones shall go there in a pilgrimage. 

(Obviously this can’t be done if you live far from Italy. Perhaps in the future Rome will make allowances for this and it can be done at Marian shrines outside of Italy.) 

7. The three words signified by the three roses, “Prayer, Sacrifice, and Penance,” remain fundamental characteristics of the devotion of Mary Rosa Mystica. We are to pray with perserverance and not seek to avoid sufferings. We are to do this on behalf of consecrated souls, and in particular for the conversion of consecrated souls who are unfaithful to their vocation; for the sactification of souls; and for an increase in the number of religious and priestly vocations. This purpose for the devotion was first suggested by Mary primarily for religious institutes, while remaining a proposal open to everyone. 

8. Also characteristic of all these messages is the purpose of reparation for offenses against the sacrament of the Eucharist, against the name of God and of Jesus, against the privaleges of Mary, against the Church and the Pope, against the innocence of the young ones and of simple souls, against the sacredness of human life and the sancity of the family. 

Naturally presupposed in all of these devotional practices is the obeservance of the Commandments, the practice of Christian virtues and first of all charity towards our neighbor.

Now we come to the daily observances of the devotion:

Everyday, make an effort to pray:

Thers is also this special version of the Rosary: A Meditated Holy Rosary, that is, “The Rosary of Three Roses”


I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Devotion to Rosa Mystica approved

I was not really aware of this apparition of Our Lady as I tend to ignore unapproved apparitions. However….. WE HAVE A NEW APPROVED APPARITION AND SOME NEW DEVOTIONS!!!!

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has stated that it found no elements in the messages disseminated by Pierina Gilli that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals. This declaration is included in a letter published on July 8, signed by the Prefect of the DDF, Victor Manuel Fernandez, and approved by the Pope. The letter addresses the devotion to Maria Rosa Mystica (‘Mary Mystical Rose’) and the messages that Pierina Gilli claims to have received from the Virgin Mary in 1947 and 1966. The letter highlights the positive aspects of these messages, while also noting some elements that require clarification to prevent misunderstandings.

Source: Green light for devotion to Our Lady Mystical Rose

OK, now on to the particulars of the devotion: 

The story of the devotion is told here: The Miraculous Image of Rosa Mystica, and here: Apparitions of Our Lady – Rosa Mystica – 1947 – 1976

These are “official” sites of the Apparition, this one is About Our Lady Maria, Rosa Mystica and details the life of the seer, Pierina Gilli and the basic story behind Our Lady’s visits and messages. 

This details all of the  Devotions to Honor Our Lady Maria, Rosa Mystica, whereas this tells you about what to do every day: Daily Devotions & Additional Prayers.

Here’s a link to the Diocesan Sanctuary of the Mystical Rose – Mother Of The Church and Montichiari Fountains

Here’s a nice downloadable PDF!

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Reviving r/catholicrecovery/

Some time ago I mentioned about a Catholic Recovery subreddit. The subreddit was somewhat active, but not too much. I then took over as moderator when the original mod left (he left Reddit comoletely, account gone and all that.)  and sent an invitation to all my readers to join. Hardly anyone did (no worries, I’m used to people ignoring online Catholic recivery communities) and activity became slower that the previous norm and I tried to delete it, only to discover that isn’t possible. Once a Reddit subreddit is created, it becomes immortal. 

However, every few months there’s a request to join (people can find it despite my best efforts at hiding it) and I feel guilty.  So, now I’ve changed my mind. I am reviving it and hopefully this time there will be an increase in interest and usage. So, please go here: Catholic Recovery on Reddit and sign up! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Thanks!


Reviving r/catholicrecovery?






I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

July is Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus

July dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. There is a devotion to the Precious Blood and information on that is in the links at the end of this post.

I have not personally developed a devotion to this; no reason except that I haven’t felt impelled or inspired to do so like the numerous other ones. However, when you consider that sacramentally, the Precious Blood is the concecrated wine at Mass, and as a alcoholic we cannot drink that, there must be a way to connect this devotion to our sobriety. I may look into this further and post about what I come up with. 

This may be included in a future revised edition of The Sober Catholic Way . Don’t wait; any such thing will be years away, if ever. But, it might be included in a prayer book I am developing which hopefully will be out before the end of the year. 

On Devotion to the Precious Blood:

Devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ

Jesus and Mary and the Precious Blood

Seven Days of Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Prayer of St. Gertrude for the Holy Souls

And this final link has a lot of other resoures on the Precious Blood.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Sober Catholic and chatGPT

So, against my better judgment and in fear of cooperating in the overthrow of human governments and other power structures resulting in the enslavement of humanity, I downloaded the chatGPT desktop app for my Mac and asked it about Sober Catholic. 

It gave me a good answer, except that it did not include any reference to

Stupid robot. 

And so I then asked it: “Why didn’t you include references to”

It replied (boldface mine):

Including references to specific resources like can be very helpful. Here’s an updated version of the information with references to

“Sober Catholic” refers to individuals who identify as Catholic and practice sobriety, often within the context of recovery from addiction. The concept emphasizes integrating one’s Catholic faith with principles of sobriety and recovery. Here are some key points about this term:


Faith and Recovery Integration


 1. Spiritual Support: For many sober Catholics, their faith provides spiritual support and strength during the recovery process. This can involve prayer, attending Mass, and participating in the sacraments.

 2. Community: The Catholic community can offer a supportive network. Many find solace and encouragement in the fellowship of other believers who understand the challenges of addiction and recovery.

 3. Programs and Groups: Some specific programs and groups cater to Catholics in recovery, blending traditional recovery principles (like those in Alcoholics Anonymous) with Catholic teachings and practices. Examples include:

 • Calix Society: An organization that supports Catholics recovering from alcoholism and other addictions.

 • Catholic in Recovery: A group that combines the spiritual guidance of the Church with the 12-step recovery process.


Catholic Teachings and Sobriety


 1. Moral Guidance: Catholic teachings on the dignity of the human person, the importance of self-control, and the value of living a virtuous life can provide a moral framework for sobriety.

 2. Sacraments: The sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, are seen as vital sources of grace and strength in the journey towards sobriety.

 3. Saints and Role Models: Many sober Catholics look to the lives of saints who struggled with addiction or who are patrons of addiction recovery for inspiration and intercession. St. Maximilian Kolbe, for example, is often invoked by those seeking help in overcoming addiction.


Resources and Literature


 • Books and Writings: There are several books and articles that explore the intersection of Catholic faith and sobriety. Titles like “Drinking with the Saints” and “The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments” offer insights and practical advice.

 • Online Communities: Various online forums and social media groups provide spaces for sober Catholics to share experiences, offer support, and discuss the role of faith in their recovery journey.

 • Sober Catholic Blog: is a blog dedicated to Catholics in recovery, offering articles, reflections, and resources that blend Catholic faith with sobriety principles. It provides a unique perspective and support network for those integrating their faith with their recovery journey.


Personal Stories


 • Testimonies: Many sober Catholics share their personal stories of how their faith helped them overcome addiction. These testimonies can be powerful sources of hope and encouragement for others facing similar struggles.


Overall, being a sober Catholic means living out one’s faith in a way that supports and enhances the journey of sobriety, drawing on the rich spiritual, communal, and sacramental resources of the Catholic Church.

The answer was the same as the first one, save for the addition of what I boldfaced.

Mwuahahahahahahahahaha! I can see the potential for this. 

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Church in schism? Remember to not leave Jesus because of Judas!

I ran across some news items today regarding Archbishop Vigano, the former papal nuncio to the US, being charged with schism. I have not mentioned him before on this blog as he’s a little outside its scope, nor will I go into the details about ‘“the why’s” of the charges. For that, you can start with this article from CNA: Former U.S. nuncio Viganò to undergo Church trial for schism, rejecting Pope Francis  | Catholic News Agency.

It is unfortunate, but Vigano seems to have adopted these charges as a badge of honor: Attend a falsis prophetis – EXSURGE DOMINE Ets Foundation (In Italian, but most browsers have a translate function.)

All of this reminds me of a few posts I had written a few years ago about the possibilities of such things ocurring. We will be facing difficult times ahead; perhaps even beginning this year with possible election violence in the US. But concerning the church, there is the still lasting effects of the clerical sex abuse scandal. I am already facing “difficult times” right now that are the result of that scandal. See my Miraculous 54 Day Rosary Novena to save my parish from closure post.

Whether it is declining vocations, sex scandals, or confusion and division in the leadership causing all sorts of problems, we must remember to not leave Jesus because of Judas. (Please read that post! Thank you!)


Leaving the Catholic Church is the easy way out. However, if you do that, it is clear you do not realize what you are leaving. Or possibly, you do know, but lack appreciation for the implications of leaving? The Catholic Church is not one denomination amongst tens of thousands. It is the Church that Jesus Christ Himself established. It has the leadership He instituted (Pope, Bishops, priests.) It has the sacraments He instituted. You do not find them anywhere else. (The Eastern Orthodox posess them, but they are schismatic. You can attend their Divine Liturgies and receive their sacraments when no Catholic church is available, but to formally join them is to put yourself in schism. Schism incurs an excommunication, thus placing your  immortal soul in peril.)

Schism isn’t worth whatver is troubling you to ponder committing it. You’ll be taking the wrong side in the Spiritual Warfare (please read that post, too!) that is happening. This may sound weird, but in remaining within the Church, no matter how strong the desire is to leave it, you will receive tremendous graces if the pain and struggle are offered up. Doubly so if you offer the sufferings up for the conversion of  those committing the deeds you want to leave over! 

So please, don’t take the road of schism, it may seem the right thing to do, but often the Devil presents things wrapped in pretty packages that seem all right and propoer. But they conceal the damantion that could result.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)

Matt Talbot feast day was today PLUS a reminder about “To Slake a Thirst”

Reblog from older posts:

June 19th is the feast day of Matt Talbot, the Irish hard laborer and ex-drunkard who if he ever gets around to interceding miraculously, will get beatified and then canonized, and become a patron saint of alcoholics and addicts.

If you are a reader of this blog, then you probably know of him; how he was a drunk, begging and borrowing money to support his pub crawling, lending money when he had it to support others’ drinking habits, and how on that awful day, when he had no money and worse, no beer, turned out he had no “real” friends either, since no one wanted to spot him any further cash, discovered he had no access to the drink and decided to “take the pledge,” total abstinence from the drink.

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 It worked, and Matt led a life of humble piety, going to daily Mass, reciting the Rosary every day, and reading many spiritual books, including “Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary,” by St. Louis De Montfort.

Matt’s basic plan was to transfer his “love for the drink” onto the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He took to heart the admonition to “seek ye first the kingdom,” and made a throne for the Sacred Heart in his own soul. “Where your heart is, there shall your treasure be,” and the treasure of Matt’s heart was Jesus’ Sacred Heart and His Most Immaculate Mother, Mary.

It is said that Matt’s piety, devotion and sacramental life lead him to live out the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous decades before they were ever conceived. In essence, he discovered them independently of Bill Wilson (AA’s Founder.) This should silence all Catholic critics of AA and the Steps who claim it fosters indifferentism. It does, if one’s Faith is weak, but if you simultaneously reach out and explore the spiritual riches of your Catholic Faith while also working the Steps, you should become a stronger Catholic. A good Catholic faith and prayer life, rooted in the Sacraments, the Beatitudes and the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy “just happens” to parallel the Twelve Steps.

I’ve written about him before, see Matt Talbot Post Archives and there are also links on him in the sidebar.

The one thing I do not know is why his feast day is June 19th rather than June 7th, the day he died. Typically, someone’s feast day is their date of “entry into Heaven,” i.e, if they get beatified or canonized, their death day. If anyone knows…

ALSO!!! Many of you know about, and even possess, the classic book on him which essentially is the ‘basic text’ of a Catholic sobriety movement entitled “To Slake a Thirst: The Matt Talbot Way to Sobriety” by Phillip Maynard. this is just a reminder that IT IS BACK IN PRINT!!

Several years ago I had emailed the original publisher, Alba House, as to whether or not they were planning to reissue the book since they had let it go out-of-print. They sadly reported there were no plans to reissue it. Flash forward to today. I was planning a Sober Catholic post on the basic devotions and practices that constitute the “Sober Catholic Way.” I recalled Mr. Maynard’s book and wondered about its current status. The Society of St. Paul, as far as I can see, has taken over the Alba House catalog and has reissued it. I do not know when this happened, but I just discovered it today.

You can order it from this link: TO SLAKE A THIRST. Spread the word! (It appeqrs to be only an ebook.)

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)