About me

I am a sober alcoholic and revert to the Church who found continued sobriety and serenity in the Faith. Now engaging the Web to “Seek first the Kingdom of God” through “new media” applications. Just click on the highlighted or glowy text to take you to the page. (You may be surprised as to how many people aren’t aware of those being links to other webpages.)

My drunkalogue is here: Drunkalogue

My reversion story (how I returned to the Faith) is here: Reversion story

I have four posts on some times when I hallucinated:

An Almost Anniversary: February 3, 2002, Part 1

An Almost Anniversary: February 3, 2002, Part 2

Staying’ Alive


One post on a miracle:

My miraculous M.I. hat

You can email me here: sobercatholic at gmail dot com, or paulcoholic at gmail dot com. I also have a domain name email address: paulcoholic at sobercatholic dot com.

For recovery socializing, I’m: In The Rooms.

On Facebook, this blog has a Page, found here: Sober Catholic Blog Page on Facebook.  I obviously have a personal account there in order to manage the Page, but unless you are seriously interested in interacting with me, do not send me a Friend request; I eventually delete contacts with whom I’ve never or rarely interacted with. I rarely post alcoholism and addiction recovery stuff on my personal account, I reserve that material for the Blog Page. But if you think you’d like to connect with me there, my personal account is: My Facebook.

I’m on Threads and Instagram

 My Twitter, although my use of it is mostly just to syndicate Sober Catholic. I don’t often interact with people there: Sobercatholic on Twitter 

While not technically a social network, I am on Reddit. There’s a good Catholic Recovery community on there. I didn’t create it, but I do moderate it now since the person who used to run it abandoned it.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn!

I’m on Goodreads

Some find me Pinteresting…

This next one is the leading ‘Facebook alternative.’ You can find me on MeWe. I also have a Sober Catholic Discussion Group on MeWe.

I am not interested in joining other social networks. Gab and Parler are not for me. Same for Minds and whatever else is out there. For the time being, I’m on Mastodon and BlueSky although I do not use them much, I do post blog updates on them.

Please also read the “About this blog” section.

Donations to support my work are appreciated!

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  1. Pingback: Reader help needed to support Sober Catholic | Sober CatholicSober Catholic

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